
Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases. It changes how glucose or blood sugar is changed by the body. Type diabetes is caused by destroying the beta cells that produce insulin, by the immune system, in the pancreas. it is triggered by viruses, genes and other environmental factors.

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Diabetic Home Care and Monitoring

Diabetes can be treated well with the good healthy habits and regularly monitoring the sugar levels at home. CGM or Continuous Glucose Monitor device is used to monitor the sugar levels at home, by testing the blood sugar levels with a small blood drops. Readings are automatically collected regularly.

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Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes insipidus result in fluids imbalance in the body and it is an uncommon disorder. Primary cause is damage of the pituitary gland, head injury, tumor, illness or hypothalamus from sugar, etc. It affects normal ADH production, release and storage. An inherited genetic disease also results in diabetes insipidus.

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Diabetes Treatment

Diabetes is quite a big concern throughout the world in the medical industry. Treatment for complete cure is a biggest challenge and is recommended to lower production of the glucose in the liver and improve sensitivity to insulin of the body towards better usage of insulin by the body.

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Insulin is a very significant hormone made by our body ensurING normal range of blood glucose levels and formed by pancreas’ beta cells. These sugar levels must be in normal level, lesser than 140 mg/dL. If sugar level is increased more than 200 mg/dL after two hours, diabetes is indicated.

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Insulin Pump

An insulin pump is used to deliver insulin under the skin, through a thin tube. This small computerized device regulates blood sugar and insulin and mimics to be pancreas. it is a better option and alternative to injecting insulin in the body and the best possible solution for diabetes management.

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