

Depression is a mood disorder caused by loss of interest and feeling of sadness, persistently. It affects the feeling, behaviour and thinking and result in different physical and emotional problems. General causes are personality, family history, illness, medication, illness, alcohol, drugs etc, to turn depressed. It is of different types.

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Dysthymia is also called depression, but at milder level lasting long. Persistent depressive disorder is another name for it. Common causes for dysthymia are chronic medical illness, genetic predisposition, chronic stress and many other biological factors. It results in lower self-esteem, lack productivity, uninterested daily activities, feel hopelessness and inadequacy.

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Panic Disorder

Panic disorder is a disorder of anxiety with sudden fear or panic attacks, common with dangerous or stressful situations. Major factors of panic disorder are traumatic event, serious illness or death of loved one, serious accident, sexual assault etc. The individual usually loses control. Mostly panic attacks are unpredictable and unexpected.

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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post traumatic stress disorder is a serious condition of a mind, which gets trigged by witnessing or experiencing any terrifying event. It is developed in 5 stages, emergency or impact stage, numbing or denial stage, rescue stage, intermediate or short term recovery stage and recovery or long term reconstruction stage.

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Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder is a kind of depression, occurring seasonally, and likely occurring at the same duration every year. It occurs usually in winter or falls. Possible causes are shorter days and decreased daylight resulting in changes in chemicals in brain towards SAD. Treatment is antidepressants and light therapy.

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Stress is both physical and emotional tension experienced by an individual. It turns anyone to be nervous, angry, frustrated. Scientifically, stress is both positive or negative reaction to a demand or challenge. Stress can be 3 types, acute, chronic and episodic acute stress. Treat it by engaging in self relaxation.

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